Elia Alunni (Perugia 1986)
Gifted with a natural predisposition to drawing, Elia Alunni, since 2000, fosters the evolution of a personal artistic research through the experimentation of numerous techniques such as ancient printmaking, pencil drawing, pastel drawing, pen and watercolor. Graduated from the art institute of Perugia he also explores sculpting, painting, digital art and artistic tailoring. These experiments allow him to produce a series of oil and acrylic paintings using contemporary materials combined with more traditional techniques. His works are featured in different exhibitions, art festivals, local cultural centers in Perugia and Umbria, but also national and international ones. Among these, the fashion show in 2008, set up in collaboration with the Italian Design Institute, rewards him with the recognition of young fashion talent.
In 2009 Elia opens his fashion atelier, La Cruna, where he draws and creates women's clothes and accessories signed with his own brand. He also decorates jeans, trousers and skirts through the use of sophisticated and valuable fabrics, in order to confer uniqueness and style to each garment. La Cruna houses his permanent art exhibition. During that period, he also joins the Umbrian painter Franco Veneranti in some of his artistic projects, later on display in Perugia in the collective exhibition 150 years of the Unification of Italy, Perugia and Umbria 1861-2011, at the Cloister of San Pietro and in the collective charity exhibition Haitian September. In 2011, with the work The Scissor wins the third prize of the graphic section in the "12th National Figurative Arts Competition - Creatives Under 30", promoted by AGAF in Grosseto.
From 2012 to 2016 he moves to Sydney, where he embarks on an intense period of research and trips in the Australian continent, having the opportunity to learn and compare views with several cultures and developing new artistic concepts. He starts graphic studies and takes an interest in aboriginal art, paying particular attention to its colors and techniques. During his stay, he produces a series of oil and mixed media works, with which he participates in numerous collective exhibitions, until in 2016 his first personal one, entitled Megamix, is organized in the city center of Sydney.
These years see the development of the REVOLUTION pictorial cycle, conceived in 2014 with the aim to investigate the many nuances of the contemporary world, without setting limits to the use of different techniques, materials and compositional spaces. One of the qualities of this research lies in bringing the structure and the wooden frame to light, thus reversing the traditional role of the artwork’s support.
In 2017, returned to Italy, he shows his paintings in two personal exhibitions in the city of Perugia. In 2019 his work 9Revolution is selected by BIUMOR to take part in the "30th Biennial International of Humor in Art", hosted in the city of Tolentino. In Genoa, at the end of the year, he participates in the collective exhibition "24th Contemporary Art Competition SaturArte 2019" with the work 13Revolution. In 2021, he begins attending the studio of Maestro Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi as an assistant. In 2021, he joined the finalists in the 7th edition of Prisma Art Price, at "The Atelier Montez" Contemporary Art Factory, in Rome. In the same year, two of his works, 27Revolution and 30Revolution, are showcased in the collective exhibition States of Art, organized by the Association “The House of Artists” at Villa Fidelia, Spello, in Perugia. Subsequently, his work 33Revolution is shown in the collective exhibition The Destiny and The Mask dedicated to Franco Bicini, curated by the Space 121 Art Association at the Institutional Hall of Santa Maria della Misericordia, in Perugia. In 2022 he is selected, with the work 36Revolution, to exhibit in the collective Art Meeting in Bucharest - Constantin Brâncuşi Hall, at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania. In the same year, his personal exhibition was organized with 38 works belonging to the REVOLUTION cycle in the Antica Fornace Grazia exhibition space, Deruta, Perugia. In the following May the works 34Revolution 35Revolution and 40Revolution are hosted at the Chromography Laboratory Association in the institutional space of the municipality of Milan. In early June he exhibits a dozen works from the REVOLUTION cycle in the splendid gardens of the CorteViva Boutique, Sant'Egidio, Perugia. In the middle of the month a personal exhibition with 37 works related to the REVOLUTION series is installed in the institutional space Lido Cluana, Civitanova Marche, Macerata. In October, 3 works by REVOLUTION are hosted in the collective exhibition "Attraversamenti" curated by the Space 121 Art Association in the setting of the institutional space La Rocca di Umbertide, Umbertide, Perugia.
In January 2023 he was invited to exhibit at "Carta Bianca" the prestigious exhibition at the Atelier Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi, where he installed 18 works from the REVOLUTION cycle. Fortress of Sant'Apollinare, Marsciano, Perugia. the fallowing Febrary (4th & 5th) he participates at "Art Eindhoven" the Eindhoven Contemporary Art Fair. Eindhoven, Nederland. In July he was invited to exhibit at "#Perugino5.00, Nuovi sentieri del contemporaneo". Fontignano, Perugia, Italy. In September he was selected at "Premio Arte" among the one hundred finalists of the competition the work (43REvolution) hass been Included among the 60 best works. Premio Arte, Cairo editore - editore Giorgio Mondadori. Via Rizzoli,8 - 20123 Milano, Italy. November Was the time of Torino Art Week he expose 7 works at "Paratissima Eye Contact" Cavallerizza Reale, Torino. Italy.